
The origin of the name Faltus

Welcome on the website about the origin of the name Faltus. Where came the name Faltus from?

The register in Lukavice in years 1646-1671, eastern Bohemia, Czechia
(The register in Lukavice in years 1646-1671, eastern Bohemia, Czechia)

The people with the name Faltus live today mostly in these countries:

ordercoutrymen's formwoman's form
5.HungriaFaltusz, FaltusFaltusz, Faltus

At december 31, 2015, there did in the Czech Republic 594 men with the name Faltus and 618 women with the name Faltusová live.

The same or the similar origin like the name Faltus have also these names:
Faltys, Faltyn, Faltýn, Falta, Foldin, Foldýn

By the subforms of names Faltus, Faltys or Faltýn came in the history these next names:
Faltejsek, Faltýsek, Faltýnek

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Following: The legends from Peter Faltus